Load Test helps to determine the total loss that takes place, when the transformer is loaded. Unlike the tests described previously, in the present case nominal voltage is applied across the primary and rated current is drown from the secondary. Load test is used mainly

1. To determine the rated load of the machine and the temperature rise

2. To determine the voltage regulation and efficiency of the transformer. Rated load is determined by loading the transformer on a continuous basis and observing the steady state temperature rise. The losses that are generated inside the transformer on load appear as heat. This heats the transformer and the temperature of the transformer increases. The insulation of the transformer is the one to get affected by this rise in the temperature. Both paper and oil which are used for insulation in the transformer start getting degenerated and get decomposed. If the flash point of the oil is reached the transformer goes up in fames. Hence to have a reasonable life expectancy the loading of the transformer must be limited to that value which gives the maximum temperature rise tolerated by the insulation. This aspect of temperature rise cannot be guessed from the electrical equivalent circuit. Further, the losses like dielectric losses and stray load losses are not modeled in the equivalent circuit and the actual loss under load condition will be in error to that extent. Many external means of removal of heat from the transformer in different cooling methods give rise to different values for temperature rise of insulation. Hence these permit different levels of loading for the same transformer. Hence the only sure way of ascertaining the rating is by conducting a load test.

It is rather easy to load a transformer of small ratings. As the rating increases it becomes difficult to find a load that can absorb the requisite power and a source to feed the necessary current. As the transformers come in varied transformation ratios, in many cases it becomes extremely difficult to get suitable load impedance.
Further, the temperature rise of the transformer is due to the losses that take place `inside' the transformer.

The efficiency of the transformer is above 99% even in modest sizes which means 1 percent of power handled by the transformer actually goes to heat up the machine. The remaining 99% of the power has to be dissipated in load impedance external to the machine. This is very wasteful in terms of energy also. ( If the load is of unity power factor) methods of loading and `Phantom' loading are commonly used in the case of transformers. The load is applied and held constant till the temperature rise of transformer reaches a steady value. If the final steady temperature rise is lower than the maximum permissible value, then load can be increased else it is decreased. That load current which gives the maximum permissible temperature rise is declared as the nominal or rated load current and the volt amperes are computed using the same.

In the equivalent loss method a short circuit test is done on the transformer. The short circuit current is so chosen that the resulting loss taking place inside the transformer is equivalent to the sum of the iron losses, full load copper losses and assumed stray load losses. By this method even though one can pump in equivalent loss inside the transformer, the actual distribution of this loss vastly differs from that taking place in reality. Therefore this test comes close to a load test but does not replace one.

In Phantom loading method two identical transformers are needed. The windings
are connected back to back as shown in Fig. 22. Suitable voltage is injected into the loop formed by the two secondaries such that full load current passes through them. An equivalent current then passes through the primary also. The voltage source V1 supplies the magnetizing current and core losses for the two transformers. The second source supplies the load component of the current and losses due to the same. There is no power wasted in a load ( as a matter of fact there is no real load at all) and hence the name Phantom or virtual loading. The power absorbed by the second transformer which acts as a load is pushed back in to the mains. The two sources put together meet the core and copper losses of the two transformers. The transformers work with full flux drawing full load currents and hence are closest to the actual loading condition with a physical load.

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